Tuesday, June 30, 2009

TA Report: Eisenhower Park

Date of Activity: 6/1-6/30
Condition of trails: The park dried out nicely and most trails are in reasonable shape.. A lot of water damage and some repairs have to be made and are in the works. There was a lot of overgrowth clearing and will continue through July

trail ambassador name: Joe Woyciesjes
Trail ambassador name: Deanna Baker
Trail ambassador Email: jjconcepts@ureach.com
Town: Milford, Ct
Location: Eisenhower Park
Trail(s) Ridden: all
How did you use the trail?: casual ride and maintenance
What was the time of day?: several days
Duration (hours):joe 9 hours deanna 5 hours
We also put approx 20 hours each in getting land manager permission and guided tours through the park for a restoration project.
Distance (miles): 110 miles

Observations: The trail use through the rainy season seemed heavier than usual this spring most noticeable by dirt bike damage on the hill, and horse damage in what looks like a gathering site in the woods.

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