Saturday, April 18, 2009

Trail Report: Mianus Park

Date of Activity:4-18-09
Trail Ambassador Name: David Francefort
Trail Ambassador Email:
Town: Stamford
Location: Mianus Park
Trail(s) Ridden: Most
How did you use the trail?: Trail Maintenance, Mountain Biking
What was the time of day?: 9AM
Duration (Hours): 4.5
Distance (Miles): 5.6
Condition of Trails(s): Dry and Fast
Observations: The morning start by lugging in equipment for continued work on our trail re-route, alot of great stuff was done today and the re-route will be complete in one more session and trail will will be back open.

Today we added a berm, brought up a couple of large trees and armored a rock face to make it rideable. TM was 3 hours today, hit some lunch and came back for some riding, while waiting around a family that was fishing got into a spat with a dog walker, who's dog was not leashed, jumped in the river and got tangled in the fishermans line. The lady fisherman ended up calling the police and 1/2 hour later as we started our ride the local dog warden pulled up, we passed the warden issuing a ticket to a dog walker who's dog was not leashed. Stamford ordinance requires all dogs to be leashed. So the warden was handing out $100 fines, second offense is $500... OUCH!

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