Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Trail Report: Upper Paugussett State Forest

Date of Activity: 2/28/2008
Trail Ambassador Name: Mark Lurie
Trail Ambassador Email: eatsleepfish[at]gmail[dot]com
Town: Newtown
Trail(s) Ridden: Poly Brody Fire Road and Upper Gussy
How did you use the trail?: Mountain Biking
What was the time of day?: Early Morning
Duration (Hours)?: 2 Hours
Distance (Miles): 6+

Condition of Trail: Freezing temps at night are keeping the trail accessible but there are some slippery places, like the Log Ride Short (another little video) which is kind of slippery.

Encounters and Observations: A timber harvest is now in full swing at Upper Paugussett State Forest (evidenced by the sign) and the guys cutting down the trees are doing a great job to minimize the impact on the ground. The only section that is remotely disturbed besides where the actual logging is taking place is the intersection of the White Trail and Forest Road. What is amazing is that logging vehicle was able to get in there with making any tracks. It almost seems that these guys might have flown it in.

The picture above is a deer attractant, found on the Upper Gussy Trail, which according to the CT DEP website, Use of Attractants for Deer Hunting, is only permissable on Private Lands in Zone 11 (which encompasses Fairfield County). Upper Paugussett SF is public property.

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