Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mianus River Park: Trailwork Saturday March 7th at 9am

1. This is a reminder that our reglar monthly trailwork session will be held this Saturday, March 7th, from 9am to noon. We'll meet at the bridge on Merriebrook Lane. Please bring gloves.
Right now the weather forecast for Saturday calls for a high of 54 F. under partly cloudy skies. Trails might be a little muddy from rain on Friday, so dress accordingly.
2. A motorized dirt bike apparently entered the MRP trails two weeks ago, and left deep tracks on the River Road trail. Unuathorized motorized vehicles are prohibited in the MRP and in Treetops State Park. If you should see any, please politely remind them that the trails are not designed for such vehicles and are not permitted.

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