Sunday, April 28, 2013

TM Report: Hartman Park

What it used to look like

what it looks like now....

Date: April 28, 2013
Report Type: TM Report:
Trail Name: Hartman Park
Town: Lyme
Trail Conditions: GOOD!!
Observations/Information: Went in an built the bridge on the red trail today. Weather was perfect, people were perfect, bug spray worked perfect.. bridge went up perfect.. was just all around perfect :)

All meet at the new entrance area. hiked in with tools and such to not only assemble but clear some of the debris and stuff up stream to help keep the stream flowing instead of over flowing. Everyone worked on the bit of "foundations" work. Then Cory, Steve and Keith worked on benching and armoring the tiny re-route to the bridge to keep the trail on higher ground while Linda, Parker and myself assembles the decking and such of the actual bridge.


She's pretty solid now and even with next springs overflow the trail should stay pretty much dry!!

We took a bit of a ride up the red trail after...
Trail Ambassador Name: Cory Stiff, Keith Coughlin, Steve Eldridge, Linda Bireley, Parker Lord and Thom Lamourine

Trail Ambassador E-mail: thom&at&CTNEMBA*dot*com
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: red, some yellow
Time of day: Morning
Time/Duration (hours): 2+ hr
Approximate Distance (Miles)

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