Friday, November 16, 2012

George C Waldo State Park & Upper Paugussett State Forest

Date: 11/11/12

Trail Name: George C Waldo State Park & Upper Paugussett State Forest
Town: ...and Upper Paugussett State Forest, Southbury, Newtown
Trail Conditions: Surberb!

Observations/Information: Decided to show a friend Waldo and Upper Paugussett. He was impressed with the variety of features and the flowing of the trails. All trails were dry, at times the leaf cover created slick conditions. 

Waldo: Trails clear. One major blow down on the dirt road leading to the lake; we cleared another minor blow down as a trail braid had started to form; went around another blow down as it was too big to clear in our limited time. Met two other mt bikers at the lake, they spoke very highly of the trails available. Several hikers were out as well.

Upper Paugussett: A major blow down blocking the trail with several limbs; some minor stuff, some of which appeared to be cleaned up. Parking lot was crowded, temps in the 60's in November brought everyone out. Several hikers, three mt bikers entering the forest upon our exit. All trails dry.

Trail Ambassador Name: Ed Perten
Trail Ambassador E-mail: edperten(at)sbcglobal(dot)net
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: All in Waldo and the Upper Paugussett
Time of day: Morning
Time/Duration (hours): 3-4 hours and travel time between the two sites
Approximate Distance (Miles): A L O T ! ! ! My legs are tired!

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