Friday, November 16, 2012

Bluff Point State Park


Date: 11/16/2012
Report Type: TA Report:
Trail Name: Bluff Point State Park
Town: Groton
Trail Conditions: Excellent
Observations/Information: Took the afternoon off and went for a spin around Bluff Point. First time I'd been out there since Sandy. Trails are in good shape. Looks like someone has raked or blown the leaves off of some of the more traveled sections. Several large trees down throughout the park that will require a chainsaw and several strong backs to remove. A couple have go-arounds already starting to form, one has a "natural" ladder bridge up and over it. In a couple places a tree fell away from the trail but the root ball pretty much obliterated the tread, we will probably want to rework the trail in those places. I removed a sketchy conglomeration of a small downed tree and limbs.

Map of loop and more pics here -->
Bluff Point after Sandy Map
Trail Ambassador Name: Cory Stiff

Trail Ambassador E-mail: corymstiff at aol dot com
How did you use the trail? MT Biking

Trails Ridden: covered a good portion of the park
Time of day: Afternoon
Time/Duration (hours): 2 hrs
Approximate Distance (Miles): 11 miles
Images/Photos: sketchy.jpg
2nd image: not sketchy.jpg
3rd Image: rootball.jpg
4th Image: ladder.jpg

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