Sunday, July 24, 2011


This is Prudence
Date: 7/23/2011
Report Type: TA Report:
Trail Name: Pequonnock River Valley
Town: Trumbull
Trail Conditions: Bone Dry
Observations/Information: Been a while since I last visited P-Valley. My last attempt resulted in a broken chain not a 100 yards in and a walk of shame back to the lot.  There is a new route across the stream by the jeep trail that I am surprised took this long to develop.

Nice ride in the Valley. Met a few Doggers including Prudence and her dog Jake who I run into all the time. Down along the blue trail, however, one woman was letting her pitbull run free and the dog nearly bit me.

Riding back to where she was I told her that her dog almost bit me and needs to be on a leash. The dog was a rusty color should you ever encounter it again.

The New Re-Route of the Old Re-Route on the Red Trail looks great! The TTC et al did a great job with the flow except choked at the end near the stream crossing. I would have made the turn higher up so as to have a smoother transition to the stream or just drive straight into the stream and build up a little stone ramp, or build a board walk.

Looks like there is new blow down on the red trail just past the Swamp Roller. A PP is starting to emerge around it and looking at it, it will be big job to open up. Would make a nice skinny, though.

Also, the armoring on the blue trail down by the stream is awesome.

In the ledges section, near the cave, I found a fire pit with a lot of trash. It's really sad that this still happens.

Trail Ambassador Name: Mark Lurie

Trail Ambassador E-mail:
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: Yellow, Red, Blue, White
Time of day: Morning
Time/Duration (hours): 3
Approximate Distance (Miles): 8

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