Report Type: TM Report
Trail Name: Pequonnock River Valley
Town: Trumbull
Trail Conditions: Excellent - Nice and Dry
Observations/Information: Dave got there super early and raked out a better curve south of the rock. Steve and I met at 9 am in the Daniels Farm Lot and talked bit with the Freeriders in the parking lot, They had done a huge amount of work on the section on the previous Wed. and said they'd stop by a little later to help out.
Steve and I walked in with the tools (although I had stashed some things velcroed to my bike when I rode in briefly the the night before). Dave was busy benching when we arrived.
Dave had to cut out a little early and the Freerider entourage came by just after he left. They loved the "corrected curve" that Dave put in south of the big rock. The Freeriders helped out a lot by moving a large amount of deadfall to define the new line and block the old. [I made sure they understood to keep it elevated so water won't channel.]
After a bit, they zoomed out on their big bikes all getting air on the kicker we featured at the top, and Steve and I continued with benching and reclamation. It was agreed that they (the Freeriders) will continue to refine the trail over the days ahead (touching up the berms, better defining the lower section. etc.). We may return in a month or so to do further reclamation.
This section has a lot of flow now and a few nice terrain challenges. Hopefully everyone should be happy...and this sustainable reroute--spearheaded by the Freeriders--will settle in, trouble-free from this point on...
Trail Ambassador Name: Rich C, Dave Francefort
Trail Ambassador E-mail: mtnbikerdad[at]yahoo[dot]com
How did you use the trail? Other Trail use
Trails Ridden: n/a
Time of day: Morning
Time/Duration (hours): 3
Approximate Distance (Miles):
Images/Photos: RT-redo_7-17-11.gif
2nd image: trumbullTM-7-17-11.jpg
3rd Image:
4th Image:
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