Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cockaponset SF - Weber Woods

Date: July 16, 2011
Report Type: TA Report:
Trail Name: Cockaponset SF - Weber Woods section
Town: Clinton/Deep River/Westbrook
Trail Conditions: Very nice
Observations/Information: Took the dirt road to the northern green and in a short bit came across an ant-cored oak tree that fell, and took a couple others down with it, which partially blocked the trail- will require some heavy cutting and clearing; rode some north to south trails, then most of the interior ones before taking the nice unmarked up to the farm; the trails are in really great shape with the exception of some low, muddy spots that just never seem to dry up; with the increase in horse traffic, there are many more "shoe divots" that are no fun to ride through; didn't see anyone the whole time; headed back to the dirt road, then on home; one more in before the heat wave.
Trail Ambassador Name: Don Hazuka

Trail Ambassador E-mail: donald(dot)hazuka(at)covidien(dot)com
How did you use the trail? MT Biking
Trails Ridden: Most everything
Time of day: Afternoon
Time/Duration (hours): 1 1/4
Approximate Distance (Miles): 6 3/4
Images/Photos: Tree trouble.JPG
2nd image:
3rd Image:
4th Image:

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