Wednesday, May 25, 2011

TA Report: West Hartford Res

Date: 5-25-2011
Report Type: TA Report
Trail Name: West Hartford Res
Town: West Hartford
Trail Conditions: Soggy
Observations/Information: Did a lot of walking seeing if there was any new sections developing. Didn't see any Soggier than expected but not too bad. Kept shifting to stay on dryer trails. Short in distance but average time spent out there.
Trail Ambassador Name: Daren Casey

Trail Ambassador E-mail:
How did you use the trail? Mt Biking
Trails Ridden: started from Canal Street. Went 'backwards' on the fence line, across the inner dikes, up to the power lines to the blue trail, came back the same way
Time of day: Evening
Time/Duration (hours): 105
Approximate Distance (Miles): 6
2nd image:
3rd Image:
4th Image:

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