Friday, April 29, 2011

TA Report: River Highlands State Park

Date: April 29, 2011
Report Type: TA Report
Trail Name: River Highlands State Park
Town: Cromwell
Trail Conditions: Good, but lots of sticks down
Observations/Information: A short mellow ride Friday night found the trails to be in good condition with just the usual wetness at the top of the yellow trail, and a lot of sticks down from Thursday's heavy rain and strong wind. I picked up what I could. Trails were free of leaves in most places, allowing one to really stick the corners. The Blow Hole is still partially flooded (see photo), but that doesn't affect riding in any way. I took a bagful of litter away from the parking lot.
Well folks, this might be my last TA report from the Blow Hole for a while, as I'm moving to another part of the state for a few months. If any Middletown area TAs want to make this place their own, feel free.

Trail Ambassador Name: Glenn Vernes
Trail Ambassador E-mail: glennvernes33@hotmail,com
How did you use the trail? Mt Biking
Trails Ridden: Yellow, green, white, unmarked
Time of day: Evening
Time/Duration (hours): 1.5
Approximate Distance (Miles): 8
Images/Photos: Blow Hole 042911 002.JPG
2nd image: Blow Hole 042911 001.JPG
3rd Image:
4th Image:

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