Date: April 14-15, 2011
Report Type: TA Report
Trail Name: River Highland & Wadsworth Falls State Parks
Town: Cromwell & Middletown
Trail Conditions: Highlands great, Wadsworht so-so.
Observations/Information: Rode River Highlands on Thursday. This was only about 24 hours after the rain stopped but that's long enough at this place. The logs and roots were dry but the soil slightly moist, making for phenominal traction. I was able to climb some of the hills that usually give me trouble. Just a little soft at the top of the yellow trail, and stay out of the swamp for now. Conditions were so good I rode for two hours, repeating some of the trails four or five times.
Rode Wadsworth on Friday. Conditions were only so-so with more wet spots than usual and a lot of limbs down. This park is full of dead hemlocks that are dropping limbs faster than we can pick them up. This park also gets a lot of hiker traffic on Fridays and weekends.
So if you're looking for a place to ride areound Middletown, I'd suggest River Highlands. Conditions are as good as I've ever seen them. Take advantage of the loamy soil and try your hand at the many short, steep hills this park has to offer. Just do it before the rains come Saturday afternoon.
Trail Ambassador Name: Glenn Vernes
Trail Ambassador E-mail: glennvernes33^at^hotmail^dot^com
How did you use the trail? Mt Biking
Trails Ridden: Gren, yellow, blue, white, red, purple, orange, unmarked
Time of day: Evening
Time/Duration (hours): 3.0
Approximate Distance (Miles): 15
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