Date of activity: May 13, 2010
Condition of Trails: Big blowdown in the second stone wall crossing
Observations: I first noticed this blowdown a few days ago. I did not think it was too bad, except that it was in the trail ( not across it) and the tree had fallen in a stone wall breach.After a closer inspection I realized tIt was a big job. There was a number of smaller trees and limbs that had to be cut before I could get to the trunk.The trunk was lodged between rocks and a smaller tree creating a twist tension which requires lots of cuts. I managed to pinch the saw, but it wasn't too bad to get loose. I also cut smaller tree further up the trail and worked on a tree in the access road.

Trail Ambassador Email: peburtonataoldotcom
Town: Southbury
Location: George Waldo
Trail worked on: Where's Waldo
When did you use the trail? Late afternoon
Duration: 2.5 hours

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