Thursday, March 18, 2010

TA Report: Penwood State Park

Date of Activity; March 18
Condition of Trail: Mostly dry except for a couple of wet spots in the low areas

Trail Ambassador Name: Art Roti
Trail Ambassador Email: Artrotiathotmaildotcom
Town: Simsbury
Location: Penwood SF
Trail ; Most of them
How did you use the trail? Ride
What was the time of day: evening
Duration: 2 hours
Distance: 18 miles
Observations: An awesome day! Sun shining, temps in high 60's. I rode with my buddy Mark for my first dirt ride of the year. OK I have been on my MTB but only in the snow. Condition were great. I did see some new trails that someone put in over the winter. They looked like they were well laid out. I will have to check into them. Also someone has been in Penwood with a chainsaw cleaning up deadfall. Thanks. It makes for a nice start to spring.

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