Saturday, February 20, 2010

TA Report: Roosevelt Forest

Date of Activity: 2/20/10

Trail Ambassador Name: Ed Perten

Trail Ambassador Email:

Town: Stratford

Location: Roosevelt Forest

Trail(s) Ridden: Several

How did you use the trail?: Mountain bike riding

What was the time of day?: Late morning

Duration (Hours): 1.5

Distance (Miles): a bunch

Condition of Trail(s):
Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy.

Observations: Most trails were rideable, had to walk up some hills, a mixture of wet snow, slush, melting ice, leaf covered, some deep sections of snow. The wettest area was the parking lot which was a mud bath. Got a good workout. Passed through the Boy Scout camp area, two pick up trucks had brought in the supplies and were neatly parked by the leantos. When I was a boy scout we carried all our gear in on our backs, walked miles through rough terrain and slept in tents. My how things have changed.

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