Thursday, January 14, 2010

TA Report River Highlands State Park

Date of Activity: January 13 & 14, 2010

Trail Ambassador Names: Glenn Vernes
Trail Ambassador Email: glennvernes33athotmaildotcom
Town: Cromwell
Location: River Highlands State Park.
Trail(s) Ridden: Yellow, red, green, white.
How did you use the trail? Hike/Mountain Bike
What was the time of day? Afternoon

Duration (Hours): 3.5

Distance (Miles): Around 8 or 10

Condition of Trail(s): Snow.

Observations: On Wednesday I hiked in with the big saw and cut two trees that had fallen across the green trail, and then hiked around for another hour or so. The slower pace of hiking really allows you to see more. The trails were in good condition- packed snow (some packed better than others) and almost no ice. Re-blazing continues. The trail down to the blow hole is now blazed red, yellow and green, allowing you to ride three trails at once (does that mean you go three times as far?).

People had also done a lot of walking off-trail, picking their own lines through the water crossings and cutting from one trail to another when close together. One such excursion led to the largest “tree bowl” I’ve ever seen- about 30 inches across (see photo above).

On Thursday I went back for a ride. Temps were above freezing and the snow was gradually getting wetter and denser. Rather than push through to the ground, the tires would float on top. Traction was a challenge, but I found that by staying seated and applying power very carefully, I was able to get up almost all of the hills, albeit slowly. I also found that in snow, you’re better off nudging the bike around corners, rather than steering.

Trails were in good condition, although I found another tree down on the green trail.

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