Trail Ambassador Name: Paula Burton

Trail Ambassador Name: Glenn Vernes
Trail Ambassador Email: glennvernes33athotmaildotcom
Town: West Hartford
Location: MDC Reservoir, aka The Rez.
Trail(s) Ridden: Blue, Yellow, Levee, Fence Line.
How did you use the trail? Mountain Bike
What was the time of day? Morning
Duration (Hours): 2
Distance (Miles): Around 8
Condition of Trail(s): Cold, snow/sleet/rain.
Observations: The precipitation started early, and we experienced all of its varieties, starting with snow, then sleet, and finally rain. Despite the weather there were several other groups of riders on the trails.

The trails at The Rez are in bad shape, there's no way to sugar coat it. It's no fault of the users- it's been a popular place to ride, hike, run, and walk the dog for a long time. People have had a lot of fun and healthy exercise here, and the trails show it. Permission to do maintenance has never been given.
The trails were dry, other than the parts that never dry, which we avoided. We picked up a few sticks that had blown down.
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