Sunday, November 15, 2009

TM Report: Where's Waldo Trail

Date of Activity:11/15/09
Condition of Trails(s): Dry, leafy
Trail Ambassador Name: Paula Burton
Trail Ambassador Email:
Town: Southbury
Location: Waldo State Park
Trail worked on: Where's Waldo Trail
How did you use the trail?: Still building trail
What was the time of day?: morning
Duration (Hours): 3 hours

Observations: The first section of the Where's Waldo Trail is almost complete. I worked on smoothing out a few transitions and benching in several places. When designing and building a trail, attention to detail is very important. Many times people are very into building a new trail and are very anxious to get out there and actually cut the trail. Taking time to work on the design will make a more fun and sustainable trail. This will also help prevent having to go back and do major realignments. But something always needs a little tweaking once the trail is in place. In the picture, the stick shows where the trail was cut originally. However, it just wasn't working, so I moved it over about 5 feet and did a little benching. I think the transition will be much smoother and make for a better ride.

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