Thursday, April 16, 2009

TA Report: Nathan Hale State Forest

Date of Activity: 4/16/09
Trail Ambassador Name: Al Tinti

Trail Ambassador Email:
Town: Coventry
Location: Nathan Hale State Forest

Trail(s) Ridden: Northern loop, parts of Southern loop
How did you use the trail?: Group ride of 6
What was the time of day?: 5PM
Duration (Hours): 1.75
Distance (Miles): 9
Condition of Trail(s):
This area has become very popular for mountain biking in the last few years, and the trails show signs of relatively frequent use. There were some wet spots, especially on the southern part of the property. We cut the ride short to avoid rutting up the lowest part of the southern loop.

Observations: There were a dozen or so cars in the lot, most of them fellow mountain bikers. This is also a popular spot for horse riding and dog walking, but there were no horses out this evening. There is a great network of trails in this area, but finding many of them requires some local knowledge, careful map reading, or a guide.

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