Saturday, April 18, 2009

TA Report: Nassahegon State Forest

Date of Activity: 4/12 - 4/18 Trail Ambassador Name: Mark L
Town: Burlington
Location: Nassahegon State Forest
Trail(s) Ridden: Stone Road, Sessions Woods, Scoville Road
How did you use the trail? Hiking & Mountain Biking
What was the time of day? Mornings & afternoons
Hours: 8 TA, 1 TM

Condition of Trails: Dry and firm. Several newer trails are soft due to low traffic volumes. Many trail improvements to wet areas this past week.

Encounters & Observations: Substantial increase in rider traffic this week as the weather warmed and schools began their vacations. Large groups - as many as 60 riders - attacked the trails which is both good and not so good. Good, because the traffic packs and firms the trails and gets a lot of people out into the woods. Not so good because not everyone likes the tight, twisty nature of the Nassahegon trails and so cut-throughs and bypass trails are on the increase. A few trails are becoming homogenized because of this.

Bear sightings Tuesday near the Route 69 trails. A mother and two cubs. Riders are being warned to keep their distance if this family is encountered.

Got to meet the Nassahegon Nassties (see picture above), a great bunch of local BMX and trail riders who were enjoying vacation week and the local dirt track. They were improving a couple of the existing jumps along with a man who had parked his truck in the woods near the dirt track. A Town truck came along and dumped a full load of dirt on the access road completely blocking his departure, much to the Nassties' delight, who readily volunteered to dig him out for a nominal fee. He agreed, got freed, and they got $20 for their efforts. Lunch for everyone!

Motorbikes continue to infiltrate the woods but are still limited in numbers. Trail damage remains minimal.

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