Sunday, March 15, 2009

Where's Waldo Trail - Update

Another 1 1/2 of trail is open now in addition to the section opened last year, If you add in the Hunters' Trail there is a total of about 4 1/2 miles of single track! 

Cliff Krolick of Backcountry Excursions in Maine paid Connecticut a visit this weekend to help out with some the design work on the Where's Waldo Trail. Check out his website   His trails in Maine are known for being fast and flowy, and he gave design pointers to help achieve that same effect on this trail. 

After a long day of work, tweaking the design, clearing bush, and raking leaves, the new section is now rideable. There is still some work to be done, so if you take a ride out there, please leave all the flags, and when you get to the end of the defined trail, please turn around.  I still need to figure out some major control points before I can connect the trail back to the access road.

Trails generally take 6 months to a year to compact if the use is light, so it may seem that the trail is soft. It is dry right now, and all the frost and mud are gone, but softness is just from the nature of the soil. I will also be adding some enhancements along the way, but later in the season. I also hope to get the blazes painted sometime in the next month or so which will make it much easier to follow the trail and will also make it much harder to obscure the trail.  Long range plans include a technical trail on the other side of the access road, probably to be built sometime next year.

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