Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Just Say "No" to Mud!

NEMBA.org has a great article about the DOs and DON'Ts about spring riding titled Just Say "No" to Mud. 2009 has had record snow and now it's finally melting. Yes, it's been a tough one for us to fulfill our mountain bike passion. The snowy ice-bound trails have left all but the heartiest riders inside contemplating the next time they can ride the trails. Everyone's looking forward to another great season of riding, but we urge caution and ask restraint as we enter the March and April Mud Months.
Here are some suggestions:
  1. Use your lawn as a trail barometer. Before you think of hitting the trails, take a ride on your lawn. If you can see your tracks sinking in, stay off the trails. They're not yet ripe.
  2. Use mud season to build fitness by putting in some serious "base miles" on the road. If you don't have a road bike, put some slicks on your mountain bike and you'll feel super-charged. Most serious racers train on the road for good reason, and the fitness you'll develop will make your trail riding that much more pleasurable.
  3. Do some urban or suburban assault rides. This is a great time if you're into technical riding to explore the neighborhood for ramps, steps and other challenges that can hone your technical skills.
  4. Ride on rail trails or other hardened bike paths. You'll be away from traffic, get some needed fitness, and feel good about yourself since you're doing the right thing by staying off the trails.
  5. Use local knowledge to find areas that are free from mud and frost. Internet Forums are a great resource to find great riding. Check the "Trail Conditions" section of NEMBA's Forum for your state to see where the good riding is… and where it isn't.

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